Friday, June 22, 2012

WATCH: Inspirational Book Sculpture Video

Friday, June 22, 2012
We're big fans of innovative book trailers and other creative means of promoting literacy, so we loved Hachette Australia's stunning and inspirational video created to present their Fall 2012 catalog.

"With new books come new feelings," the beginning of the video reads, and a black-clad staff enters a warehouse to unload and shelve boxes of new books, including "The End of Your Life Book Club" by Will Schwalbe and "The Twelve" by Justin Cronin. An upbeat piano melody accompanies the sped-up footage of employees carefully staking books to spell out evocative words such as "cry," "grow," "imagine," and "fight."

"Great writing is an art form, and we are so very proud of all the authors we publish," the publisher states below their YouTube video.

Check it out!

-Madeleine Crum, Assistant Books Editor

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